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You're invited to walk where Jesus walked!
Have you ever wondered what it was like to walk with Jesus along the roads of Nazareth? To have been on the boat in the midst of the storm in Galilee? Listened to him teach on hillside or from the temple steps? Arrived at the tomb just to find it empty?
Now you can! With best-selling author Max Lucado as your guide, get ready for adventure through some of the most prominent cities, towns, and locations in the New Testament.
Filmed on location in Israel, In the Footsteps of the Savior invites you to experience the stories of the Bible like never before. These are stories about real places, real people, and a real savior. By studying these events and locations we can connect with Jesus in a brand new way.
The Holy Land is waiting for you. Will you join us?
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includes lifetime streaming access to all 6 videos with Max
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Bundle includes: Study Guide + Book + Devotional
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There’s something significant about knowing the location where an important event took place. It’s the same with the stories you read in the Bible.
When you know where Jesus’ miracles, sermons, and interactions actually took place, you can put yourself there. You can see what Jesus saw. You can feel what he felt. You can hear what he heard. You can better understand what was happening in the world of his day . . . which can help you better understand why Jesus did what he did and said what he said. The location adds context.
As you go through this study, you will see what these places look like today and hear a story from the Bible about what happened there. It is my hope that seeing them will help you better experience the people and places that shaped Jesus’ life.
What’s more, it is my goal that seeing these places will help you to connect with Jesus’ humanity.
God has more in store for you than you can imagine. I’m praying this study will give you a life-altering encounter with him as we walk In the Footsteps of the Savior. - Max Lucado
This study will take you to some of the important locations where key events in the Gospels and Acts took place. Each session includes a video teaching from Max on location about a Bible story that happened there and footage of what these places look like today.
Pastor, Author, Bible Teacher
Since entering the ministry in 1978, Max Lucado has served churches in Miami, Florida; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and San Antonio, Texas. He currently serves as Teaching Minister of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio. He is America's bestselling inspirational author with more than 145 million products in print.
Max and his wife Denalyn now live in San Antonio, Texas. They have three grown daughters, three sons-in-law, and two grandchildren.
Learn more at
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