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Don't Miss Our Deal on the Book
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Breaking Busy Will Help You:
- Understand that whatever your age or season of life, new adventures are waiting for you. Walking in your God-given destiny is the best kind of life you can live.
- Learn how to stop chasing what leaves you empty and start doing what you were created to do.
- Recognize that your passions and talents can give you clues into your purpose in life.
- Discover how to overcome feeling a constant pressure to be all things to all people.
... I think this nails it & may have just changed the tone of the rest of my year. You’ve never met a woman quite like the one & only Alli Worthington. She’s vivacious, a flaming match, like a bit of light contained, and you can’t help but absolutely love her and want more of her brilliance. Alli and I go way back... After 10 years, a few babies, blogs, and businesses, this woman I love something fierce has got powerful words of real wisdom about how to Break Busy.
Ann Voskamp
New York Times bestselling author, One Thousand Gifts
"Breaking Busy is a great read for women who feel like they don't have quite enough hours in the day to finish their to-do list - in other words, most of us! Alli's voice is authentic and witty, plus her content is uber practical. Whether you're a harried mom with French fries littering the floor boards of your minivan or a high level executive with more meetings than your iCal can keep up with, this book will help you navigate the next season of your life with significantly less stress and a lot more genuinely relaxed smiles."
Lisa Harper
Author, Speaker and Bible Study Teacher
"My friend Alli will give you a new perspective on this concept she calls breaking busy. She will make you laugh out loud, perhaps shed a tear, and challenge you to think long and hard about the impact busyness has on your everyday life – the choices you make, your interactions with the people closest to you, and your relationship with God. If you apply the principles Alli outlines in the book then you will not only feel less stressed, and more fulfilled, but you will also live a life of fruitfulness."
Christine Caine
Founder, A21 Campaign and Propel Women
"I don't know when or how busyness became a status symbol, but I am so glad that in Breaking Busy, Alli Worthington is calling us all back to a better way of living!"
Jon Acuff
New York Times bestselling author of Do Over: Rescue Monday, Reinvent Your Work & Never Get Stuck