Finding Your Sweet Spot in a World of Crazy Busy

Today's Action Step
Take a few minutes today to think about your capacity levels in this season of life. Just like your phone battery tells you the remaining capacity of 0-100%. Using that scale what is your capacity right now? It may be time to allow yourself recharge.
How do we know when our busyness has pushed us to our limits?
How do we know when our busyness has pushed us to our limits? There are signs our body gives us if we’re paying attention, signs that may look different for each of us.
Sign #1: An Inability to Control Your Emotions
Have you ever found yourself an anxious, angry mess? Have you ever pulled your car into the garage and just sat in the darkness, completely depressed? An inability to control our emotions and constantly feeling irritable, depressed, and overwhelmed are all signs that something isn’t right. Out-of-control emotions often reflect the out-of-control demands we put on ourselves.
Sign #2: Lack of Self-Care
It’s not fun to admit it, but I can totally relate to this one. People who operate at overcapacity rarely have time for selfcare. I’ve often justified skipping a shower and working in my jammies because I had too much work to do. Taking care of yourself may seem selfish, but self-care is one of the most other-centered choices you can make in your life. You can’t live the life God created you for, with space to be aware of his leading, if you don’t take care of yourself.
Sign #3: Self-Medicating and Excess
When the demands of life become too much, self-medicating is a very common response. To be honest, overeating sweets is a problem for me. Anytime my life is out of balance, you can bet I’m probably curled up somewhere with a jar of Nutella and a spoon. Self-medicating might also take the form of too much exercise, escaping reality with too many hours on social media, or watching a lot of television instead of getting enough sleep. Sometimes we can fool ourselves into thinking self-medicating is actually self-care — “I deserve it!” But if we find that our habits are not renewing or restoring us, then we need to recognize those choices as a warning sign of busyness and future burnout. Too many apps can clutter up your phone, drain the battery, and reduce its capacity. In the same way, too many activities can clutter up your life, drain your emotional reserves, and reduce your capacity to live in God’s calling.
Excerpted with permission from Breaking Busy: How to Find Peace & Purpose in a World Full of Crazy (Zondervan) by Alli Worthington, copyright 2016 Alli Worthington.
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Did you recognize signs #1, #2, or #3 in your life? Are too many activities cluttering up your life, draining your emotional reserves, and reducing your capacity to live in God’s calling? Feel free to share your comments on today's lesson below!