Understanding the Bible just got easier.

Are there parts of the Bible that you don't understand? Let's face it - studying the Bible can be complicated. Bestselling author and pastor Max Anders once shared your frustration until he unlocked the secret: Learning the structure of the Bible and how it is put together makes all the difference.

That's what 30 Days to Understanding the Bible will teach you in just 15 minutes a day! You'll finish your 30-day journey with an all-encompassing view of the Bible's key people, places, events and messages so you can grasp God's Word like never before.

30 Days to Understanding the Bible

List Price: $22.99
Sale Price: $16.09
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  • I’ve been a Christian for 51 years, a graduate of a Theological Seminary and have taught some type of Bible Study or Sunday School for 40+ years and I wish I had been introduced to this marvelous book 30 years ago!
    L. Hudson
  • This book is a must have for Bible study!
    Jeffery S.
  • Max has done an excellent job on how to "understand" the Bible - not merely read. The book starts off with helpful background on the History and Geography of the Bible and then goes through the various periods and principal characters. Would recommend this to everyone - regardless of level of prior experience and knowledge.
    C. Ahuja
  • This book is teaching me all the geographical areas first which helps me understand time lines and history better.
    Julie S.
  • I have been a Christian my whole life and attended christian schools. This book is helping me tremendously. Probably with things I have learned but I am not actually getting! I bought 2 and shared the other with a friend who is new to the Bible and is hungry to understand. Definitely recommend this book.
    M. B.
  • This book did not only help me understand my Bible - it helped me cherish my Bible. It helped me to treasure God’s Word. I am more confident in my role as husband and soon-to-be father knowing that I have a resource that can help me explain God’s Word to my family. My personal devotions were enriched after having a better understanding of the geography and culture of the Biblical world.
  • This book is amazing, I read my Bible daily and have done so for years....but...this book has added a new dimension in my understanding of the Word. This is a must have for Bible Study.
    Roslyn C.
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From the author Max Anders on why he wrote the book

"Many years ago, I decided I was going to master the Bible. I was going to begin with Genesis and read through Revelation, and I wasn’t going to put it down until I understood it.

I soon became hopelessly entangled in a jungle of fantastic stories, unpronounceable names, broken plots, unanswered questions, and endless genealogies.

I was defeated. I threw my Bible down, concluding that the Bible was a series of unrelated stories put together in a random order!

The one day I discovered a key. With this key, the fog that enshrouded my understanding of the Bible began to lift.

The key: Learning the structure of the Bible.

If you want to learn to understand the Bible, you must first learn how the Bible is put together.

In one month of reading this book, you'll learn all the major men and women, all the major events and, all the major points of geography in the Bible and more!

30 Days to Understanding the Bible will be able to put these people and facts together in their proper chronological order and trace the geographical movement as you think your way through the entire bible!

• No previous knowledge is assumed.
• A beginner will not be overwhelmed,
• The established student will find much help organizing and expanding what he or she already knows.

In just fifteen minutes a day for thirty days, you can gain a foundational grasp of the most important book ever written."

Join the community of more than half a million readers who have used this book to enhance their Bible study!


In 30 days, you'll have a solid grasp on things like...

  • The Arc of Bible history
  • Main characters and people in the Bible
  • Major points of geography and locations of main events
  • The 10 doctrines of the Bible
  • The stories and themes of the Old and New Testament
  • Why there are four Gospels
  • How to understand the parables of Jesus
  • The importance of miracles, and more!

This book is great for...

  • New Christians who want to build a foundational knowledge of the Bible
  • Longtime believers and Bible students who want to expand on what they already know
  • Anyone who wants to understand the structure and main ideas of the Bible...This book has been used to teach Christians of all ages, from fifth-graders to seasoned theologians!

Bonus Bible study tools included...

  • Workbook-style, fill-in-the-blanks questions within each chapter
  • A self-test at the end of each chapter to test what you've learned
  • Maps, charts, and illustrations to help you visualize what you're learning and make it easier to remember

Get started today and save 50% off with our exclusive coupon code!

List Price: $22.99
Sale Price: $16.09
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  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the arc of Bible history
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand geographical locations in the Bible
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the story of the Old Testament with quizzes
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the Structure of the New Testament
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the prophetical books of the Bible
Click and drag the image to zoom in
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the arc of Bible history
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand geographical locations in the Bible
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the story of the Old Testament with quizzes
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the Structure of the New Testament
  • Learn the Bible fast! Understand the prophetical books of the Bible

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