Let's learn to build a new habit of praying first -
to make prayer our first response, not our last resort.
Come be a part of the FREE prayer challenge and get 21 days of daily prayer prompts from Chris Hodge's new book Pray First to guide you on your journey
Let's make prayer our first response, not our last resort!
The prayer calendar will be delivered to your email immediately after registration!
Pray first – before worrying about it.
Pray first – before gossiping or talking about it.
Pray first – before arguing, fighting, or getting angry about it.
It's as simple as that. Are you in?
Will you join us in this season of prayer?
The prayer calendar will be delivered to your email immediately after registration!
Let's do this together!
The prayer calendar will be delivered to your email immediately after registration!
Go deeper in your study of prayer with Pastor Chris Hodges new book Pray First
- our recommended companion resource to this 21-day challenge!
Inside you will find 3 sections:
1. Lessons on Prayer - to bring the joy back into your prayer time with God.
2. Prayer Models and How to Use them - take a journey through the prayers in the Bible, and discover types of prayer such as the Lord's Prayer, the Daniel Prayer, the Prayer of Jabez, intercessory prayers, spiritual warfare prayers and more.
3. Prayer and Fasting - this section delves in the why of this often overlooked but powerful discipline that's a vital companion to prayer, provides examples of fasting in the Bible, and shares five types of Biblical fasting (it's not all about food).
Pray First is one of the best books on prayer that we have ever read!
We hope you will take advantage of this great deal in FaithGateway Store!
Yet more than anything else, we want you to pray. And to keep praying!
Will you join and commit to praying first for 21 days?
Download the FREE 21-day prayer guide.
The prayer calendar will be delivered to your email immediately after registration!
"I am so excited about the release of my newest book, “Pray First.” Everything I’ve learned and practiced for over 40 years about prayer is in this book. This book covers the priority, place, plan, power, and Persons of prayer - and the models of prayer from the Bible that I use every day. I also include chapters on prayer and fasting and how to build a prayer shield around your life and church.
Our nation and world needs revival and it begins with unified, scriptural, and bold prayers. May God use this resource in a powerful way. " ~ Chris Hodges, Pray First
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